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This Provose configuration sets up AWS FSx Lustre clusters. Lustre is a high-performance networked filesytem commonly used in supercomputing. AWS FSx Lustre is Amazon Web Services’ managed Lustre offering.

AWS FSx Lustre is appropriate for compute workloads that require large amounts of data and would otherwise be I/O-bound. For example, terabyte-scale machine learning typically requires fast storage, and FSx Lustre is a popular choice.

Beware of long timeouts

AWS FSx Lustre clusters can take a long time to deploy–even multiple hours. By default, Terraform will wait 30 minutes before timing out. When this happens, you should use the AWS Web Console or the command line to check the status of your cluster. When you see a timeout from Terraform, you should not rerun Terraform because this will cause it to destroy the cluster before it has finished deploying.


module "myproject" {
  source = ""
  provose_config = {
    authentication = {
      aws = {
        region = "us-east-1"
    name                 = "myproject"
    internal_root_domain = ""
    internal_subdomain   = "myproject"
  # Here we create an AWS S3 bucket that we will use as the data repository
  # for our Lustre cluster. Data repositories are not necessary if you want
  # to spin up an empty Lustre cluster.
  s3_buckets = {
    "" = {
      versioning = false
  lustre_file_systems = {
    mydatacache = {
      # SCRATCH_2 clusters are appropriate for when you need fast reads and writes,
      # but do not need automated replication. If you want higher guarantees of
      # persistence, use the "PERSISTENT" deployment type.
      deployment_type = "SCRATCH_2"

      # Currently this is the smallest storage size that can be deployed.
      storage_capacity_gb = 12000

      # Here we specify the S3 bucket and key prefix for loading into this
      # cluster. These can be set to different paths, but if they are set to the
      # same path, then writes to these files in Lustre will be written back
      # to S3.
      s3_import_path = "s3://"
      s3_export_path = "s3://"


  • deployment_typeRequired. The filesystem deployment type. Currently this can be one of the following values. The AWS documentation has more information about the differences between the deployment types.

    • "SCRATCH_1" – The original storage type for AWS FSx Lustre. This is typically used for storing temporary data and intermediate computations. This storage type is not replicated, which makes it less reliable for long-term storage.

    • "SCRATCH_2" – A scratch storage type with a much higher burst speed. This is also not replicated.

    • "PERSISTENT_1" – A storage type that offers replication in the same Availability Zone (AZ), which makes it more appropriate for long-term storage.

  • storage_capacity_gbRequired. This is the total storage capacity of the Lustre cluster in gibibytes. The minimum value is 1200, which is about 1.2 tebibytes. The next valid value is 2400. From there, the valid capacity values go up in increments of 2400 for the "PERSISTENT_1" and "SCRATCH_2" types, and in increments of 3600 for the "SCRATCH_1" type.

  • per_unit_storage_throughput_mb_per_tbOptional. This field is required only for the "PERSISTENT_1" deployment_type. It describes the throughput speed per tebibyte of provisioned storage. Valid values are 50, 100, and 200. More information about this key can be found under PerUnitStorageThroughput in the AWS documentation.

  • s3_import_pathOptional. If entered, this is an Amazon S3 path that can be used as a data repository for importing data into the Lustre cluster.

  • s3_export_pathOptional. If entered, this is an Amazon S3 path that the Lustre cluster will export to.

  • imported_file_chunk_size_mbOptional. This value can be set if s3_import_path is set. It determines the stripe count and the maximum amount of data–in mebibytes–that can be located on a single physical disk. This value defaults to 1024, but can be set to any value between 1 and 512000 inclusive.


  • lustre_file_systems.aws_security_group.lustre_file_systems – This is a mapping between the cluster namd and the underlying aws_security_group resource. The security group opens up this filesystem to all traffic in the containing VPC.

  • lustre_file_systems.aws_fsx_lustre_file_system.lustre_file_systems – This is a mapping between the cluster name and the underlying aws_fsx_lustre_filesystem resource

  • lustre_file_systems.aws_route53_record.lustre_file_systems – This is a mapping between the cluster name and the underlying aws_route53_record resource.