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The Provose ec2_spot_instances module enables the creation and deployment of Amazon EC2 Spot instances.

How Spot instances work

The AWS documentation has more information about how Spot instances work. Unlike other AWS resources that Provose can provision for you, a Spot instance is not guaranteed to be provisioned and may be shut down by Amazon at any time.

Should you use ec2_spot_instances?

If your application cannot tolerate the periodic shutdown of a Spot instance, you can provision an EC2 On-Demand instance instead with the ec2_on_demand_instances module instead.

If you are looking to deploy the same application across multiple services–perhaps behind an HTTP load balancer–you might find it handier to use the containers module instead. You can get Spot pricing through the containers module by setting your instance_type to be "FARGATE_SPOT". That does not work for this module, however.


module "myproject" {
  source = ""
  provose_config = {
    authentication = {
      aws = {
        region = "us-east-1"
    name                 = "myproject"
    internal_root_domain = ""
    internal_subdomain   = "production"
  ec2_spot_instances = {
    my-instance-name = {
      spot_price = 0.1
      instances = {
        instance_type = "t3.micro"
        # Create and name keys pairs in the AWS console. You can attach
        # one key pair to an instance on creation, but then you can add
        # more SSH keys via the user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
        key_name = "james_laptop"
      public = {
        # Open port 22 for public SSH access.
        tcp = [22]
      vpc = {
        # Open ports 80 and 443 to run HTTP and HTTPS servers only
        # available in the VPC.
        tcp = [80, 443]


The ec2_spot_instances module supports all of the same configuration key as the ec2_on_demand_instances module, plus the following additional keys:

  • spot_priceOptional. The maximum price to request in the Spot market. If left blank, your maximum price will default to the On-Demand price. However, this does not mean that you pay the On-Demand price.

  • spot_typeOptional. This value defaults to "persistent", which means that AWS will resubmit the Spot request if the instance is terminated. You can set this value to "one-time" to close the Spot request when the instance is closed.


  • ec2_spot_instances.aws_security_group.ec2_spot_instances – A map with a key for every instance and every value is a Terraform aws_security_group type.

  • ec2_spot_instances.aws_spot_instance_request.ec2_spot_instances – A map with the keys as the names of the Spot instances–dashed with a number if we set the instances.instance_count parameter to be greater than 1. Each value is a Terraform aws_spot_instance_request type.

  • ec2_spot_instances.aws_route53_record.ec2_spot_instances – This is a mapping from the names EC2 Spot instances to the aws_route53_record resource that describes the DNS records internal to the VPC.