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The Provose redis_clusters module sets up a Redis instance using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis.

Currently, Provose only supports setting up clusters that contain a single instance, meaning that the instances.instance_count parameter is not yet supported.


module "myproject" {
  source = ""
  provose_config = {
    authentication = {
      aws = {
        region = "us-east-1"
    name                 = "myproject"
    internal_root_domain = ""
    internal_subdomain   = "production"
  # Here, we create two Redis clusters named "cluster1" and "cluster2".
  redis_clusters = {
    # This cluster's DNS name is
    cluster1 = {
      engine_version = "5.0.6"
      instances = {
        instance_type = "cache.t3.micro"
    # This cluster's DNS name is
    cluster2 = {
      engine_version = "5.0.6"
      instances = {
        instance_type = "cache.m5.large"
      # This means that changes to the cluster are applied in the next
      # mantenance window as opposed to immediately.
      apply_immediately = false


  • instancesRequired. This is a group of settings for the instances that run the ElastiCache cluster.

    • instance_typeRequired. This lists the ElastiCache-specific instance type to deploy. An example value is "cache.m5.large". A complete list of available instance types is here in the AWS documentation.
  • engine_versionRequired. This lists the Redis version to deploy–like "5.0.6". A complete list of available versions is available here in the AWS documentation.

  • apply_immediatelyOptional. This defaults to true, which makes configuration changes apply to the cluster immediately. When set to false, configuration changes are instead applied during the cluster’s next maintenance window.


  • redis_clusters.aws_security_group.redis – This is a aws_security_group resource that governs access to the cluster. By default, the Redis cluster is accessible within the containing VPC created by Provose.

  • redis_clusters.aws_elasticache_subnet_group.redis – This is the aws_elasticache_subnet_group resource that defines which subnets are available to the clusters. By default, this is all of the subnets in the VPC.

  • redis_clusters.aws_elasticache_cluster.redis – This is a mapping from cluster names to aws_elasticache_cluster resources that configure each cluster.

  • redis_clusters.aws_route53_record.redis – This is a mapping from cluster names to aws_route53_record resources representing Route 53 DNS records that give friendly names to the clusters.